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Meghan Weir
13| This Version Of You

13| This Version Of You


Welcome back to Dropped In!


I have never been more dropped into my self-sourced power and have never felt more at home with myself than I do today, in the here and now.

In this episode, I am calling you up to join forces with me and play in the realm of infinite possibility.

Today, I am sharing my life's and soul's work, Chrysalis, your immersive mastermind where you go all-in on you.  To the one who is crystal clear on your big-picture visions, who is connected to your deepest desires and the ripple effect you are here to co-create through your message, magic & medicine...

Who is the trailblazer, leader, innovator, and inspired action-taker who deeply desires to create a ripple effect within their community, the collective, and generations to come.

It's in the Chrysalis where the magic truly begins and where the transformations are born.

You're invited to claim one of the five seats available inside Chrysalis, your 6-month all-inclusive mastermind where you go all-in on you.

For the first time ever, I'm inviting you to join forces with me in elevating and expanding you and your business into your unique soul signature BRAND. By the end of the six months, you're transforming your deepest desires and big-picture visions into your soul-stirring innovations, signed, sealed, and delivered to those who are here to receive your message, magic, and medicine.


Enrolment opens on Monday, April 3rd.

You may join the waitlist here:

Check out the trailer here: