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Meghan Weir
35| Drop Into Your Self-Sourced Power With Kundalini Yoga

35| Drop Into Your Self-Sourced Power With Kundalini Yoga


Welcome back to Dropped In!
I invite you to join me as I share my personal journey and experiences with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation.
From initially being skeptical and uncomfortable with the practice to becoming a passionate teacher, I explain how Kundalini transformed my life and helped me heal from past traumas.
Discover the benefits of Kundalini, such as regulating the nervous system, balancing the glandular system, and clearing out subconscious garbage.
I also discuss the transformative effects of Kundalini on mental health and addiction, sharing success stories from her own teaching experiences.
 Finally, I invite viewers to try Sat Nam Sessions, her virtual wellness studio, and encourage them to share this powerful practice with others.
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
1:21 - First Experience with Kundalini Yoga 3:00 - Unexpected Transformation 4:52 - Becoming a Regular Kundalini Student 10:34 - Teaching Kundalini at a Treatment Center 16:08 - The Power of Kundalini Yoga 20:49 - Sat Nam Sessions Wellness Studio 21:54 - Goal of 100 People in Satnam Sessions 23:47 - Request to Share Sat Nam Sessions 24:21 - Gratitude for Current Clients
Desire even more support? I created Sat Nam Sessions to remind you that you hold the key to unlocking your self-sourced power. 
Sat Nam Sessions is a wellness studio for meditation, breathwork, and Kundalini yoga practices on-demand, customized for you. 
Use the technology of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation to amplify your best self and empower you to create a prosperous, successful and wildly fulfilling life.
Click here to receive 14 Days For Free On Me!
IG: @themeghanweir
Youtube: @themeghanweir