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Meghan Weir
10| Revitalize Your Business

10| Revitalize Your Business


Welcome back to Dropped In!


I am SO stoked to share our exceptional guest, Adera Angelucci!

Today we chat about how being an entrepreneur is our greatest personal and spiritual teacher, the power of Kundalini Yoga Personally and Professionally and marrying the masculine and feminine within your life and your biz.


Adera is an Award-Winning Host, Director and Producer with SPIRO Creative, a creative agency that elevates impactful brands. She's also a Business Revitalist for passionate, purpose-driven entrepreneurs ready to take their businesses to the next level. She's the author of the best-selling memoir, "Free Spirit," a self-discovery guide on how self-love, chaotic creativity and questionable choices create leaders. Over her 15+ year career in TV, radio, promotions, marketing, and business, she's witnessed thousands of talented people shy away when it comes to 'putting themselves out there.' She has a strategy for helping those who once struggled to share themselves show up as authentic storytellers and joyful risk-takers, confident in their abilities to build connections and ultimately move humanity forward. She will reignite your passion and purpose with her infectious energy and reaffirm your unique gifts so you can confidently share your message and reach a bigger audience.

A Light Up Session is awesome for a woman who might struggle with their message and marketing. I help them get SUPER CLEAR on what they want and the path forward. It's the foundational experience to moving forward with any branding, video, or design. 


Connect with Adera!

Check her website:

Grab a spot of Light Up Session:



Want even more support?

I created Sat Nam Sessions to remind you that you hold the key to unlocking your self-sourced power and for you to always remember that.

Sat Nam sessions is a wellness studio for meditation, breathwork, and Kundalini yoga practice on-demand customized for you. Use the technology of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation to amplify your best self, and empower you to create a prosperous, successful and wildly fulfilling life.

Clear here to join:

Use coupon code: DROPPEDIN to receive 20% off your annual membership.




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Follow me on Youtube: @themeghanweir