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Meghan Weir
08| Full Body Shivers

08| Full Body Shivers


Welcome back to Dropped In,


I'm psyched to share my dear friend, soul-sister and past client, Valerie Veilleux, with you.

On this episode, we chat about all things growth, expansion and leading your life through the power of love, honour and truth—the freedom of colouring outside the lines, literally and figuratively, and channelling your inner child to guide you.


Valerie Veilleux has an enthusiasm for life,
Seeing, encompassing, evoking…
Her soul-directed life paints creations that come through as Oracle Art.
Moving within multiple dimensions of time, space, and colour, Trusting her arArts Intuitively directed and Unique to each Moment.
Living from the heart, as an artist, a mother, or within space in this reality is her soul's divine purpose.
Reminding us all to be sovereign beings,
To See One another
To Love One another
To Honour one Another.

Her Art is an extension of us, of you, of her.
She is reminding us all to create our realities.
That we are the creators 🤍


Connect with Valerie!

Follow her on IG:


Want even more support?

I created Sat Nam Sessions to remind you that you hold the key to unlocking your self-sourced power and for you to always remember that.

Sat Nam sessions is a wellness studio for meditation, breathwork, and Kundalini yoga practice on-demand customized for you. Use the technology of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation to amplify your best self, and empower you to create a prosperous, successful and wildly fulfilling life.

Clear here to join:

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Follow me on IG: @themeghanweir

Follow me on Youtube: @themeghanweir