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Meghan Weir
32| It's time to write your damn book, isn't it?!

32| It's time to write your damn book, isn't it?!


Welcome back to Dropped In!

I am beyond stoked to welcome back our very special guest, Marsha Vanwhynsberg, with you today!

In this episode, I get really real and raw with you! I share with you the behind-the-scenes of my current feelings and experiences that I'm feeling in resisting writing my damn book.

Writing a book can be incredibly daunting, and it's not uncommon for writers to face self-doubt and resistance. 

In today's episode, we'll explore some practical strategies to help you overcome these challenges and progress on writing your damn book.

Self-doubt and resistance are common roadblocks for many writers. It's that nagging voice in your head that tells you your writing isn't good enough or that no one will be interested in your story. But here's the thing: every writer, even the most successful ones, has experienced self-doubt at some point. It's a natural part of the creative process.

In this conversation, we discuss techniques such as surrounding yourself with a supportive writing community and utilizing resistance as a signpost. 

Procrastination is another common obstacle that writers face. It's easy to get caught up in distractions or find excuses to avoid writing. But if you want to finish your damn book, you must tackle procrastination head-on.

Marsha shares expert tips on creating a writing routine, setting achievable outcomes, and eliminating distractions. Our goal is to help you establish a writing habit that will keep you motivated and productive. 

Writing can be a solitary endeavour, but that doesn't mean you must go through it alone. We'll discuss the importance of joining a mastermind to keep you on track and provide support when you need it most.

We'll wrap up the episode by providing actionable steps to implement immediately. These steps will help you overcome self-doubt, conquer procrastination, and progress significantly on writing your damn book.

About Marsha:

Marsha Vanwynsberghe — Storytelling NLP Trainer, Speaker, Publisher & Author, 2xs Podcaster.

Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of "When She Stopped Asking Why." She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart.

 Marsha has been published 7x's, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share and publish their stories.

Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life. She empowers people how to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders and build platform businesses that create massive impact.

Connect with Marsha:

LinkedIn: NLP Trainer, Storytelling Trainer, Speaker, Podcaster, Author - Marsha Vanwynsberghe Coaching | LinkedIn
Podcast Link: Own Your Choices Own Your Life

Write Your Damn Book Mastermind Links:

WYDBM VIP (Includes 6 month payment plan)


WYDBM (Includes 6-month payment plan)

Desire even more support? I created Sat Nam Sessions to remind you that you hold the key to unlocking your self-sourced power. 

Sat Nam Sessions is a wellness studio for meditation, breathwork, and Kundalini yoga practices on-demand, customized for you. 

Use the technology of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation to amplify your best self and empower you to create a prosperous, successful and wildly fulfilling life.

Click here to receive a FREE Stress Release Bundle that includes meditation, breathwork and Kundalini Yoga practices:


IG: @themeghanweir

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TikTok: @themeghanweir
