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Meghan Weir
24| Run Towards Your Shadows And You Will Be Set Free

24| Run Towards Your Shadows And You Will Be Set Free


Welcome back to Dropped In!

Today, I have the absolute honour of sharing my beautiful friend, soul-sister and client, Kristie Crate, with you today!

In this episode, we discuss navigating through life as a new mom; healing through the mother wound; unsubscribing from the co-dependant circus; healing generational trauma; the power of running towards your shadows; choosing to stand on your story and the power of owning and honouring your boundaries; the power of listening to the language in which your body is speaking to you!

Connect with Kristie on IG


Want even more support? I created Sat Nam Sessions to remind you that you hold the key to unlocking your self-sourced power and for you always to remember that.

Sat Nam Sessions is a wellness studio for meditation, breathwork, and Kundalini yoga practice on-demand, customized for you.

Use the technology of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation to amplify your best self and empower you to create a prosperous, successful and wildly fulfilling life. Clear here to join: Use coupon code: DROPPEDIN to receive 20% off your annual membership.



Follow me on IG: @themeghanweir

Follow me on Youtube: @themeghanweir