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Meghan Weir
22| Ditching the cookie-cutter approach to healing

22| Ditching the cookie-cutter approach to healing


Welcome back to Dropped In!


This week I have the honour of sharing my dear friend, Dr. Daniella Gonzalez, with you.

In this episode, we discuss Dr. Daniella's experience with emotional eating (non-eating), anxiety and depression, infertility and the power of the mind-body connection, and getting to the root of the matter through healing on a deep subconscious level.


Dr. Daniella González was born and raised in Puerto Rico but has lived in the United States for 15 years. In addition, to being a fiery Puerto Rican Latina, wife, doggy mom and dancer, she is a Scientist and Global Portfolio Manager working in a leading beauty company. At the same time, she has been a coach for nine years and owns a coaching business called Dr. Dani G. Mind & Body Transformation. 

Daniella helps busy men and women to rebel against ordinary wellness. Hence, they step into a more unique, fun, deep and powerful transformation that brings them self-trust and a more balanced approach to their health and life journey that is aligned with their specific needs and authentic self. She is all about making her clients become experts in themselves, gain confidence, enjoy the process, and become happier as they step into their most optimal version.

Daniella is certified in Functional and Integrative Nutrition, specializing in metabolism, hormones and emotional eating. She is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor and Life & Success Master Coach on her way to becoming a Trainer of Neurolinguistic Programming, Clinical Hypnotherapy, EFT, TIME Techniques and Facilitator of Transformation.
As a multi-passionate and multiskilled Latina, Dr. Dani G. is your all-in-one coach, providing a 360 degrees approach where she combines her expertise in Biochemistry, Nutrition, Fitness, dancing, life coaching, leadership and executive presence with her own experience overcoming busy life overwhelm, anxiety, perfectionism, and disordered eating. All her years working on her mental and physical health, is her main asset when working with her clients because she understands at her core how powerful is the connection of the mind and body. She works with both Spanish and English speakers, creates resources in both languages and is growing a bilingual community!


Connect with Dr. Daniella!

Work with Dr. Danialla:
Follow Dr. Danialla on Instagram: @dr.danig1


You do not want to miss out on your last chance to join forces with me inside our SOLD-OUT all-inclusive immersive mastermind where you go ALL-IN on you, Chrysalis!!

We are technically sold out...and my soul has other plans, so I've worked my magic and have opened up one last space!!

We begin June 5th! Email me at [email protected] for allllll the juicy deets!!


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